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A FRUIT BOWL THREE WAYS – Emily Chou, Mia Van Veen, Tara Dwelsdorf

What becomes of an image consistently reproduced throughout history? The fruit bowl has symbolically evolved throughout civilizations, with many instances of it recurring throughout art history and into current home decor in various iterations. Fruit itself is often associated with ideas of plentifulness and ephemerality; representing sin, sex, decay, fortune, wealth, health, abundance and prosperity to name a few. Using the artists’ own version of (Visual Arts) Telephone, the format will be a playful examination of this iconic image and object persistent in art institutions as well as art history.

As the three artists converse with human gestures of reproduction and repetition as a means of cultural production, the exhibition modulates throughout various geographies, cultures, material meanings, and timelines. The multimedia works contemplate the conflation of time, images, geographies and meanings through multiple rounds of humorous and/or serious investigations with the historically reappearing object. We hope to ask ourselves — as well as our viewers — how can we reach for authenticity through repetition, reproduction, facsimile, déjà vu, likenesses, parallels and translations?


Emily Chou, Mia Van Veen, Tara Dwelsdorf
Opening: Friday, April 5, 7-9pm
#5 – 115 E Pender St, Vancouver BC V6A 1T6

Gallery Hours: Saturdays & Sundays, April 6, 7 & April 13, 14 1-5pm